1. Reconnecting with friends: Somehow the art of letter writing seems to have died around 1990. I remember in high school and college having several friends with whom I would exchange long, chatty letters on a regular basis. I loved that feeling of getting a fat envelope in the mail and knowing that it contained a letter from someone I cared about!! But somehow after 1990 it's like we all ran out of paper. There are lots of different things you can blame for that, but I think the biggest one is the advent of computers. Most of us by that time either had learned or were learning to use a computer, and that was when more and more people were buying them for home use. Why that meant no one was writing anymore I can't explain, but somehow it did. Yet using email seemed too difficult for many people, and not as personal. Facebook changed all that, especially once older people discovered it. When I first heard about it, everything I heard was negative and seemed to be all about teenagers (granted it was also mostly MySpace I was hearing about, not Facebook). When my eldest entered adolescence I decided to check it out,
and almost instantly loved it!! It's like a combination personal newsletter, bulletin board, and virtual note passing tool. :) I've been able to connect with lots of old friends, people I already knew in real life but with whom I had lost touch, and it's great to feel connected again with these people whom I never stopped caring about...

Ultimately I just find Facebook fun, and harmless. People rant about many of these things as being "annoying." Some of these people just don't like change, and the new internet culture, and that's understandable. Others are going to be "wet blankets" at an IRL party just as much as the Facebook virtual one. ;)
One brief postscript--the concern about privacy. I worry a bit about privacy too, but in this day and age I truly think the only people who truly have any semblance of privacy are the amish, and perhaps the people living deep in the jungle. In this internet world, privacy as we knew it before no longer exists, and if you are that worried about it you are probably living in the wrong Country (meaning pretty well any Nation in the "civilized" world). I think the owners of Facebook are doing all they can to protect us and keep their virtual environment as safe as possible, and I appreciate that. I'm not going to lose any sleep over it, or change my life around just because someone I don't know might dare to look at my picture or use my family photo for an ad in the Ukraine someday. ;)