Thursday, August 29, 2013

Message to *MY* Teenagers (answering an internet list)

The original list, titled "message to my teenagers (author unknown)" pops up from time to time on Facebook or elsewhere.  Some of it is good, and I think it is well intentioned, but every time I see it I cringe a bit for those biggies with which I disagree.  Now that I have this blog it's time to Blist out with my own answers:  Originals first, with my reply following.

 1. Yes, your freshman AND Sophomore years count towards your GPA for college entrance. Screw it up and you’ll work for crap wages your whole life.
Yes, your grades in high school matter for your GPA, but please don't overstress about it, my dear.  Grades aren't everything, and not everyone has to go to college.  It's more important to me that you are honest and do your very best.  The future will work itself out.

 2. No means NO. In every possible circumstance....

No means no, unless you are trying to tell me no when I tell you to do something, then you'll learn all about the meaning of no.  ;)

 3. Join every sport, every club, every after school activity no matter what the cost. It’s cheaper than bail.

Please do NOT join everything.  There is more value in doing one or two things really well, rather than overextending yourself and doing lots of things poorly.  It is also important to leave time to read and dream and pray, and just enjoy life.  If you overcommit you'll be too busy doing things to truly enjoy them!

 4. Repeat after me: I am never in that much of a hurry…I am never in that much of a hurry. Now say that every time you get behind the wheel. It will save your life and that of your best friend in the seat next to you.

Drive safely or don't drive at all.

 5. Don’t do drugs or drink - it is so not worth the trouble.

Don't do drugs, the risk is too great to try it even once.  Drinks go with meals, they are meant to be a complement not an entertainment in and of themselves.  Until  you are old enough to have friends who understand this, you are not old enough to drink.

 6. Don’t get a credit card. You earn it or you live without it.

You can't get a credit card as a minor, so why even mention this?

 7. If I yell at you, it’s because I love you. And also, because you pissed me off. To avoid the latter, don't be an idiot. And don't disappoint me. More importantly, yourself.

If you feel I'm yelling at you too much, tell me so.  And then straighten up anyway.  ;)

 8. Make a vivid picture inside your head of every great moment of your childhood. You’ll need those to get through adulthood.

You are not a child anymore.  Remember those years with fondness, but don't dwell on them because now is the time to look forward and plan for adulthood.

 9. Make snow angels as often as possible. Make a bucket list. Check it off!

You are much too young to worry about a bucket list.  But you are never too old to enjoy life!

 10. Stand up for those who can’t stand up for themselves.

Ok, this one I agree with completely.  :)

 11. Be always benevolent. Yes, that’s a word. Look it up.

It's important to have your daily dose of fruit--love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance (moderation).  (Galations 5:22-23)

 12. Call me for a ride even if you are so drunk you barely know my number. I’ll probably be mad for a while but I’ll respect you for calling and I won’t kill you. Riding with someone who is drinking will. (PS - remember #5?)

Never ever ever get in a car with a driver who has been drinking, especially if that someone is yourself.  Call me, or call someone else you trust (who is sober).

 13. Be a leader, not a follower. Unless you are following the kid with the highest GPA and (s)he is going to a study group, then by all means be a follower!

The world may push you to be a leader.  Don't listen to them.  The best leaders know how to be followers.  (John 8:12)

 14. Love your siblings, even when you don’t like them. Some day you will be trying to get them to take care of me in my old age. If they are mad at you, you are stuck with me.

Love your brothers, and try to cultivate friendships with your cousins and other relatives too.  Family will always be family.

 15. I’ve been there, done that on more things than you can imagine. I’m not stupid and I know what you are doing. I was once you (times ten).

Some things you will have to learn on your own, but I hope you can learn from at least some of my mistakes too.  I don't tell you my stories to bore you, but in hopes of saving you from some of my pain.

 16. Work hard at everything you do. Anything worth doing is worth doing well.

Always do your best, and try your hardest.  Even if others don't appreciate your efforts, good work can be its own reward.  (Colossians 3:23-24)

 17. Cover it. (Enough said.)
There's a reason that modesty is a virtue.  Value the woman who respects herself enough to cover up appropriately.  Immodest girls don't just consider themselves cheap, but you too--don't give them your heart, they don't deserve it and won't value it.

 18. When I tell you to clean your room, do not point at my messy room and raise your eyebrows. I’m trying to raise you to be better than me.

Ha, I know better than to even tell you that unless I clean my room too.  :)  Remember the teamwork we have taught you, and what it means to be a part of a family.

 19. Learn to type; to budget; to spell correctly and to pray. All are equally important.

Wrong.  Prioritize.  Praying is by far the most important thing on this list.  NUTPOP (never underestimate the power of prayer)!!  Budgeting is second priority--learning to do so will make your life easier and help make your money go farther.  It's a great habit to get into!  Typing (today called keyboarding) is a useful skill, and I hope you will practice it.  Spelling is also useful, but you are lucky enough to live in the era of spell check. 

 20. Never be sedentary. Someday soon you will no longer be able to move like that. Enjoy it.

There is a time for everything; moderation in all things.  There is nothing wrong with resting and relaxing, and it really is easier to read a book when you are sitting down LOL.  But enjoy your youth and strength, and make the most of it!!  (Proverbs 20:29)

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