This is completely random, but the more I live the more I have become convinced that there are only 5 primary things that motivate the heart of mankind (as in all human beings). These motivations are not "evil" by themselves, but can lead to either bad or good choices. I've put them in what I feel personally are the most likely order of how often these motivators control people's actions (though this will of course vary by the person, and the situation):
1. Wealth

This is most commonly money, but can also be a large house or a nice car or etc. People will lie, cheat, steal, and manipulate data to create the growth of wealth. People will also work hard, get an education, network, and create new things in the pursuit of wealth. 1 Timothy 6:10 reads: "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil." Notice this involves LOVE of money, not just its pursuit, and also all KINDS of evil, not ALL evil. There is nothing bad about wanting success, including wealth, as long as you aren't in love with it as your primary or ONLY motivation, and allowing yourself to slip into the dark paths of obtaining it.
2. Power
Power is a multi-headed beast with a thousand faces. It can be political power, fame or popularity (which gives you the power to make people care what you think and what you are doing), corporate power, power within the family dynamic, persuasion (power within a group to be able to lead others into doing what you want them to do), physical power (ie, strength and the ability to best others in a fight or a sport), power to improve your lot (in this world or the next), mental power to solve problems or impress people with your knowledge, and much more. Power in its simplest form is strength, and the ability to do things, but the real motivator is usually the ability to do things better than someone else. Those whose primary motivation is power don't just want to be AS powerful as someone else, but always will want to have MORE power.... thus the saying "power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely."
3. Fear

Fear is another powerful motivator, though it often combines with the other desires. Fear plus wealth equals the desire to have enough money so that you (or your children) will never want for anything. Fear plus power equals the desire to never allow anyone to hurt you or command you ever again. Fear plus sex equals the desperate desire to not be alone, and often results in the most disastrous of relationships. Fear plus love is what creates over-protective mothers and over-controlling fathers. Fear is not always a bad thing either, however. Fear of being killed in an accident is a good motivator for always wearing your seatbelt, never texting while driving, and never riding in a car driven by someone who has been drinking (whether that someone is you or someone else)! Fear of dying in a tornado has been the motivation for a lot of storm shelters, many of which have in fact saved lives!! Fear of embarrassment can sometimes cause people to dress more modestly or avoid getting a tattoo that they may seriously regret in the future!

4. Sex
Like the others, this obviously has the possibility for negative directions--various forms of perverse behaviors, exploitation of others, immodesty, lewd behavior, etc. But it also is a huge motivator for finding a spouse and creating children, and within the limits of marriage can be a beautiful thing. Inside marriage it can motivate you to keep the romance alive and continue to court your spouse.
5. Love

This should be a lot higher, though it seems it rarely is. Love is the one motivator which is almost never negative on its own, though it certainly can sometimes be exercised in a negative way when combined with power or fear. Love is the motivator which allows millions of parents to change the dirtiest of diapers. Love is the choice made by a spouse who is serious about his or her lifetime commitment, staying by your spouse even when times are hard. Love is the motivator which allows a living person to give up a kidney, or send money to orphans in Haiti, or work at a soup kitchen--love for fellow man. Love is the motivator which sends Missionaries into dangerous areas just to tell people the good news about Jesus.
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